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December 17th, 2021

The Mad River Valley Chamber of Commerce has received a $3,500 grant from the Foundation for Rural Service (FRS). This grant will allow the Chamber to purchase new American flags as well as “Welcome to the Mad River Valley” banners that will be hung on telephone poles along Route 100 in downtown Waitsfield. The Foundation For Rural Service awards grants to rural communities served by NTCA members, of which Waitsfield and Champlain Valley Telecom is a member. These grants are designed to provide support to a variety of local efforts to build and sustain a high quality of life in rural America. The required matching funds contribution was provided by Waitsfield and Champlain Valley Telecom.

It has now been several years since the flags have flown throughout town. Overtime, the flags became worn and in need of replacement and the volunteer group that originally coordinated the effort is no longer active. WCVT employees will once again assist with the annual hanging and maintenance of flags. Flags and banners will be in place prior to Memorial Day and remain flying until after Labor Day.

For more information on FRS and community development grants, please contact Lorraine Keener at (802) 496-8379 or