Network Warning: ATTENTION HINESBURG SUBSCRIBERS: Our Central Office team will conduct planned network maintenance...

Call before your dig…every time! Simply dial 8-1-1 or .(888)-344-7233.

Dig Safe™ is committed to providing accurate and timely
one-call notification to member utilities on behalf of those who excavate in Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont.

State laws require anyone who digs to notify utility companies before starting, and for good reason. Digging can be dangerous and costly without knowing where underground facilities are located.

Dig Safe™ System, Inc. is a communication network, assisting excavators, contractors and property owners in complying with state law by notifying the appropriate utilities before digging. Dig Safe™, a free service, notifies member companies of proposed excavation projects. In turn, these member utilities respond to the work area and identify the location of underground facilities. Callers are given a permit number as confirmation.

Member utilities, or contracted private locators, use paint, stakes or flags to identify the location of buried facilities. Color coding is used to identify the type of underground facilities.