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April 14th, 2017

A few years ago, we installed fiber-to-the-home at this Warren, Vermont location. The owners opted for Gigabit synchronous Internet connection to support their home and barn that contains a rental apartment for ski vacationers and a small office with four employees. Their ‘high-tech’ property requires Wi-Fi connectivity  for over forty-five Wi-Fi devices including Nest webcams for security/monitoring, Wi-Fi Thermostats, Sonos wireless audio, multiple Smart TVs, three Apple TVs, as well as dozens of laptops, tablets, and smart phones.

VickeryHill Compound with Whole Home Wi-FI

Finally, I get to experience what fiber internet is like with solidly working Wi-Fi!

We installed two Wi-Fi mesh access points, one in the center of each building and removed the existing Apple Airport Extremes. The network now smoothly steers mobile devices and laptops to the strongest access point and signal, reports interference and performance issues, and allows the office staff to reliably and seamlessly connect at more than twice the previous speeds.

AirTies Cloud Management View of Whole Home Wi-Fi