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  • service-mapAddison (759)
  • Bridport (758)
  • Bristol (453)
  • Charlotte (425)
  • Hinesburg/St. George (482)
  • Panton (475)
  • Richmond (434 / 329)
  • Waitsfield/Moretown/Duxbury (496)
  • Warren (583)
  • Weybridge (545)

Exchanges / Local Calling Areas

Exchange Local Calling Areas
Addison (759) Addison, Bridport, Bristol, Cornwall, Middlebury, Panton, Vergennes, Weybridge
Bridport (758) Addison, Bridport, Cornwall, Middlebury, Panton, Shoreham, Vergennes, Weybridge
Bristol (453) Addison, Bristol, Charlotte, Hinesburg, Middlebury, Panton, Richmond, Rochester, Vergennes, Waitsfield, Weybridge
Charlotte (425) Bristol, Burlington, Charlotte, Essex Junction, Hinesburg, Panton, Richmond, Vergennes
Hinesburg (482) Bristol, Burlington, Charlotte, Essex Junction, Hinesburg, Richmond, Vergennes
Panton (475) Addison, Bridport, Bristol, Charlotte, Middlebury, Panton, Vergennes, Weybridge
Richmond (434 / 329) Bristol, Burlington, Charlotte, Essex Junction, Hinesburg, Richmond, Stowe, Underhill, Waitsfield, Warren, Waterbury
Waitsfield (496) Bristol, Duxbury, Middlebury, Montpelier, Moretown, Northfield, Randolph, Richmond, Rochester, Waitsfield, Warren, Waterbury
Warren (583) Bristol, Middlebury, Montpelier, Northfield, Randolph, Richmond, Rochester, Waitsfield, Warren, Waterbury
Weybridge (545) Addison, Bridport, Bristol, Cornwall, Middlebury, Panton, Vergennes, Weybridge

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